On Oct 22, 2007, at 7:50 AM, Sean Donelan wrote:
Will P2P applications really never learn to play nicely on the network?
Here are some more specific questions: Is some of the difficulty perhaps related to the seemingly unconstrained number of potential distribution points in systems of this type, along with 'fairness' issues in terms of bandwidth consumption of each individual node for upload purposes, and are there programmatic ways of altering this behavior in order to reduce the number, severity, and duration of 'hot-spots' in the physical network topology? Is there some mechanism by which these applications could potentially leverage some of the CDNs out there today? Have SPs who've deployed P2P-aware content-caching solutions on their own networks observed any benefits for this class of application? Would it make sense for SPs to determine how many P2P 'heavy-hitters' they could afford to service in a given region of the topology and make a limited number of higher-cost accounts available to those willing to pay for the privilege of participating in these systems? Would moving heavy P2P users over to metered accounts help resolve some of the problems, assuming that even those metered accounts would have some QoS-type constraints in order to ensure they don't consume all available bandwidth? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Roland Dobbins <rdobbins@cisco.com> // 408.527.6376 voice I don't sound like nobody. -- Elvis Presley