I just contributed to the thread called "Cable and Geeks", and (I now realize) included the word "crappy". Then, just like that, my Friday Moment of Fun just happened, like a brilliant ball of light in the sky. I received a bounce from something called rms@bellaliant.ca who rejected my email due to "mild profanity" (sorry, i didn't know people could be so sensitive). Man, i had not had an on-the-job-laugh-out-loud in a long time. I am very tempted of probing the system. Many a question comes to mind, like for example: Does it only worry about profanity in English? I have a dictionary of "bad words" in Spanish, i am resisting the urge to craft a python script and send it word by word to rms@bellaliant.ca. Also mesmerizing is the fact that they will keep my mildly profane email in some storage for five days. Why? If its blocked, so be it, why keep it? Ahhh don't worry, I won't do it anyways. Notwithstanding the laugh and the fun, these are the times when I lose a bit of faith in mankind. Why there are always people out there pretending to know "what it's best for you" ? Well, I am clicking "send", I will probably receive another "mild profanity" warning. There it comes... cheers Carlos ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <rms@bellaliant.ca> Date: Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 10:55 AM Subject: Your email message was blocked To: carlosm3011@gmail.com The following email message was blocked by Bell Aliant Content Filtering Device: From: carlosm3011@gmail.com To: jeff.gallagher@bellaliant.ca Subject: Re: Alacarte Cable and Geeks Message: B4d0b5da70002.000000000001.0003.mml Because it may contain unacceptable language, or inappropriate material. Please remove any unacceptable or inappropriate language and resend the message. The blocked email will be automatically deleted after 5 days. Content Rule: Policy Management (Inbound) : Block Common & Mild Profanity RMS@BellAliant.ca