iptables -A INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 5 --name SSH --rsource -j DROP iptables -A INPUT -m recent --set --name SSH --rsource -j ACCEPT also enforce either strong passwords or require no passwords (e.g. keys only) and everything should be cool. Bobby Mac wrote:
Hola Nanog:
So after many years of a hiatus from Linux, I recently dropped XP in favour of Fedora. Now that my happy windows blinders are off, I see alarming things. Ugly ssh brute force, DNS server IP spoofing with scans and typical script kiddie tactics.
What are the new set of best practices for those running a NIX home computer. Yes I have a firewall and I do peruse my logs on a regular basis.
BTW: ever drop a malformed URL to alert an admin to some thing that sucks? w3.hp.com/execs/makes/too/much/money or www.yourbuddiesdomain.com/it/is/all/rfc/space/use/1918/when/referring/to/non/routable
Thanks, BobbyMac