On Oct 11, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Jeroen Massar <jeroen@unfix.org> wrote:
On 2012-10-11 23:02 , Jo Rhett wrote:
I've finally convinced $DAYJOB to deploy IPv6. Justification for the IP space is easy, however the truth is that a /64 is more than we need in all locations. However the last I heard was that you can't effectively announce anything smaller than a /48. Is this still true?
Is this likely to change in the immediate future, or do I need to ask for a /44?
A /64 is for a single link (broadcast domain, though with IPv6 multicast domain is more appropriate).
A /48 (or /56 for end-users for some of the RIRs) is for a single end-site ("a different administrative domain and/or a different physical location").
If you thus have 5 end-sites, you should have room for 5 /48s and thus a /47 is what you can justify.
Couple of errors there, Jeroen… 1. 5 /48s is at least a /45, not a /47 which is only 2 /48s. 2. Joe lives in the ARIN region where allocations and assignments are done on nibble boundaries, so his /45 would be rounded up to a /44 (as would a /47) anyway. Owen