On 1/26/11, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
And if your servers behind the LB aren't prepared for it, you lose a LOT of logging data, geolocation capabilities, and some other things if you go that route.
Of course, anybody expecting a current IPv4 geolocation service to provide accurate information over IPv6 over the next couple of years is wildly optimistic (with all due respect to people in that business, but just sayin' good luck with that...) Maybe you'll get some consistency about which continent they're on based on the RIR the addresses came from, but even that's probably dodgy if the address belongs to Hurricane Electric or Sixxs or some other popular tunnel broker, and maybe you'll get some consistency on "is it the same /56 as last time?", and maybe some of them will start doing tricks like putting web bugs for "ipv4tracker.geolocator-example.com" and "ipv6tracker.geolocator-example.com" on the same web pages to try to start building correlation information, and if course you need your application that uses the information to speak IPv6 and handle 128-bit records and not just 32-bit. -- ---- Thanks; Bill Note that this isn't my regular email account - It's still experimental so far. And Google probably logs and indexes everything you send it.