On 17/Mar/20 19:35, Tom Beecher wrote:
You're facing essentially the same issue as many in non-healthcare do ; how to best talk to applications in Magic Cloud Land. Reaching the major cloud providers does not require DIA ; they all have presences on the major IXes, and direct peering could be an option too depending on your needs and traffic.
I don't mean to be dismissive of the issues you face, I apologize if that's how it comes off. What you describe is certainly challenging, but I think that you will have better success with some of the options that are out there already than hoping for any resolution of intermittent congestion issues in the wild west of the DFZ.
Sounds like a use-case for the cloud providers' so-called "Express Route" services. But that will only be really successful if the majority of the services that the hospitals need are hosted on the cloud platforms that offer these Express Route things. Then again, the "private" link between a cloud provider and their customer is typically an MPLS-based one, which is subject to emergent issues that may impact the operators' backbone. If the service is not on a cloud provider (or one that can offer an Express Route thing), then we're back to square one. Mark.