On Mon, 24 Feb 1997, Rick Payne wrote: ==>Scott Call writes: ==> > In light of the recent spam/nospam discussions on the list, I thought ==> > I'd share something one of my customers got with the rest of you: ==> ==>[Spam from a Demon customer cut] ==> ==>I think if you try mailing the spam concerned to abuse@demon.net they ==>will deal with it - regardless of what the spammer may claim. ==> ==>Did you try that? If you look at the headers again (I won't repost them), the spam actually was sent through a US mail relay from an IP behind enterprise.net, a customer of BT. Demon isn't in the headers, and I imagine it's probably a ploy to get people to attack demon.co.uk. However, abuse@the-involved-providers-here is a much better forum to address your complaints. /cah