On 03/03/2015 08:07 AM, Scott Helms wrote:
I'm not done collecting all of our data yet, but just looking at what we have right now (~17,000 APs) over half of the clients connected have an upload rate of 5mbps or less. A just over 20% have an average upload rate of 1mbps.
BTW, the reason we're working on the WiFi data is that we think this is a huge problem, because consumers don't separate the performance of the in home WiFi from their overall broadband experience and we need to dramatically improve the in home WiFi experience to increase customer satisfaction. "The Cloud" solved most peoples issues with NAT. Rather than having IPv6 to a fileserver at my house, I've got the option of IPv4 to dropbox "anywhere".
Most people store all their data on remote servers now. That means unless they're uploading a new picture to facebook or a new video to youtube, 90% of their at home usage of their wireless will be downloads (looking at existing content). Given that some people are getting Active Ethernet to the home, with IPv6, we might see an eventual new killer app that changes the way bandwidth is used, but I think right now the reason we're not seeing a killer app is because of two things: 1. Users don't have the bandwidth. Most people really are on constrained pipes that can't tolerate heavy uploads 2. NAT still breaks things for everyone so people can't do it.