On Thu, 04 Apr 2013 17:29:40 +0200, Mikael Abrahamsson said:
On Thu, 4 Apr 2013, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
RFC4989 TCP Extended Statistics MIB. M. Mathis, J. Heffner, R. Raghunarayan. May 2007. (Format: TXT=153768 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
Looks like a taker to me. Also, see the work the Web10G group is doing for Linux: http://www.web10g.org
RFC 4989 doesn't seem to officially exist. Ah, it's 4898.
Bargh. How did I get a typo in there? :)
Yes, RFC4898 seems to contain a lot of interesting information, question is how to destill this down to something the user can understand and that is of interest for a support engineer who might be trying to diagnose the customer problem.
I agree web10g seems to be of interest as well. I'm going to read through their documents tomorrow.
I recently got the web10g folks and the Linux kernel and networking folks talking to each other, it may get upstreamed in the reasonably near future. I'll make sure somebody keeps this list informed....