On Tue, 26 Mar 2002, Kelly J. Cooper wrote:
I also had a short list of other questions that I used to try and get a feel for the person's "security minded-ness" (my term, I invented it a'ight?). Because when it comes to ISP security, there's a very limited pool of talent so candidates are unlikely to come in with the right skillset native.
What is the right mindset for ISP security. It seems to be a little different from the traditional security mindset found in the corporate or military security world. A lot of sharp people with that background try to move into ISP security, but they often have a difficult time making the transition. The government is about to spend a lot of money training students in "cybersecurity." Congressional aides have been coming to Internet conferences asking people what should Congress spend money on. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A33471-2002Mar28.html But are the students really getting the right training for working in a public network such as an ISP?