So this company (Global Resource Systems, LLC) was formed on 2020-10-13 and ARIN assigned AS8003 to them even earlier than it.
Here's a simple timeline in case anyone want to have a check:
9/8/2020 GLOBAL RESOURCE SYSTEMS, LLC registered in Delaware
9/10/2020 Nameserver of was changed from AfterNIC (a website to sell premium / expired domains) to UltraDNS
9/11/2020 GLOBAL RESOURCE SYSTEMS, LLC (FL) registered their organization in ARIN
9/14/2020 GLOBAL RESOURCE SYSTEMS, LLC (FL) got AS8003 from ARIN
9/21/2020 MAINT-GRSL-AS8003 is registered in RADB
10/13/2020 GLOBAL RESOURCE SYSTEMS, LLC registered in Florida
Around 21/01/2021, AS8003 registered numerous route objects in RADB and started announcing DOD space.
In addition to AS8003, they also added AS95 to their AS-set and registered some objects under AS95.
Based on RIPEstats, Last seen of AS8003 before 2021 is around 2003.
And there's another GLOBAL RESOURCE SYSTEMS, LLC in FL which has been inactive since 2013.