Verizon in MA removes copper upon FiOS installation. My dad cancels his phone service every year when he migrates south for the winter. Upon returning home a few years ago, he requested reactivation of his phone line. Verizon refused to activate the copper, instead switching him to FiOS Voice. I believe they removed the copper lines at that time. On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 10:46:03AM -0500, Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
Currently in the midst of a CRTC policy hearing in Canada on future of competition in ISPs.
Incumbents claim they have no plans to retire their copper plant after deploying FTTP/FTTH. (strategically to convince regulator that keeping ISPs on copper is fine and no need to let them access FTTP).
For my reply I am trying to get more authoritative info to show that incumbents do have plans to retire the copper plant once enough customers have migrated to FTTP ( I heard that 80% migration is the tip-ver where they convert the rest of customers to FTTP to be able to shutddown the copper).
Anyone have pointers to documents or experiences that would help me convince the regulator that incumbents deploy FTTP with eventual goal to be able to shutdown their old copper instead of perpetually maintaining both systems ?
Also being discussed is removing regulations for access to ULL (unbundled local loops). In areas being upgraded to FTTP, are there services that really need copper ULLs and do not have an FTTP equivalent ? (home alarm systems ?).
When an incumbent states for the record that "retiring copper is not in their current plans", I know that it means that it isn't in their short term plans. But I need some evidence of what other telcos do to help show the incumbent is "spinning".
Any help appreciated.