Evaldo Gardenali wrote:
Here in São Paulo state, Brazil, telefonica (yeah, the same spanish one) caps ADSL too , they have the 128kbit dsl capped at 500MB, 300kbit capped at 3000MB, 450kbps capped at 10500MB and 600kbps capped at 20000MB. no uncapped service available (except for old contracts), and they charge about US$ 0.03 (R$ 0.10) for each megabyte above the quota.
Dishnet DSL (www.ddsl.net) in India - which is now borged by Tata Indicom (which borged VSNL when it was privatized) - 512K DSL capped at 1 GB a month costs around $70 / mo. Something like 8 cents per MB extra Yes I know it sucks, as does their service (ravening backhoe took out a bunch of cable so service to most of southern Madras was cut off for almost 12 hours today - but it's pretty bad when it is up anyway). srs