Actually not, I do some journalism and reporting was interested, how he migrated to this, is all. It is kind of neat actually that someone actually cares enough to let the content provider edit their article so that real news content is provided. That to me is a public service and how real media should behave. I have seen many complaints here over various media misrepresenting the actual facts of an issue. Gorden is only as good as the content providers, provision of fact. Alex Rubenstein wrote:
Are these cheap shots?
I mean, while Gorodn may be annoying at times, his ignorance of confidentiality clauses makes me happy, in some ways.
To me, confidentialty and 'The internet' are mutually exclusive.
But, anyway, petty insults are really stupid, and get nothing done; keep it private if you must resort to being a 4 year old.
On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Henry R. Linneweh wrote:
Gordon; /*---------------------snip--------------------*/
Didn't you start the cook report originally in high school, and now continue to provide it?
Do you get paid money for your free lance journalism?
-- Thank you; |--------------------------------------------| | Thinking is a learned process so is UNIX | |--------------------------------------------| Henry R. Linneweh
-- Thank you; |--------------------------------------------| | Thinking is a learned process so is UNIX | |--------------------------------------------| Henry R. Linneweh