Mike Hale wrote:
If you're located in a major city, I'm sure you can find a community college that has a networking certificate program you can send your developer to, along with an in-house training program.
Oh come on!!!1 Investing in your employee by sending them out to courses, for crying out loud, that's way too practical and effective to even consider. And to add insult to injury you suggest a low cost alternative such as a community college. If an employer was going to do such an outrageous thing as sending an employee to a course at least let it be an overpriced corporate course. Gees. </sarcasm> -- Earthquake Magnitude: 3.0 Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 19:17:34 UTC Location: Northern California Latitude: 40.2860; Longitude: -124.3183 Depth: 19.90 km