That link has been down for 19 hours. I'm not sure what the problem is; the T1 IXC won't talk to me about it since it's not my circuit.
Awsome, the sales people will love that :-). A policy against the use of available alternate paths results in a single failure turning into a prolonged outage. I love big providers, they make it so easy.
Wait a sec. I've got my share of gripes about Sprint, but I will say that it's not their fault Pac Bell won't talk to me about a line that isn't mine. The Sprint folks have had to change some things over in Stockton due to Pac Bell's response to WilTel's power failure -- this is stuff that should not happen. The folks inside Sprint have been very helpful. So let's not make this into a Sprint bashing session, OK?
P.S. what is the deal with the Santa Clara POP anyway? I've seen gas main explosions, circuits cut by a blowtorch (gee? maybe they're related), "missing" fiber, "lost" circuits, and other shenangans.
The story may be growing with the telling, but I was told that a gas main ruptured, with or without a small explosion (depends on who you ask), and the fire marshall came in, smelled natural fumes all over, and ordered that power be cut to the surrounding buildings, presumably to prevent explosions due to sparks and such. WilTel ultimately brought in a portable generator and put this wonderful new spark generator out in the parking lot, closer to the natural gas fumes than anything inside the building would have been.
This time I'm glad we followed WorldCom's (WilTel, whatevertheirnameisthisweek) site recommendation and used DC power for our equipment. But this POP is like working out of a telecommunications war zone.
That's one of several good reasons why CIX has installed a router up in Digital's Palo Alto facility (I'd call it a NAP, since it has rack space for rent and GIGAswitches all over the place, but "NAP" seems to indicate congressional funding so I'll choose another word... "Interconnect/CoLo" (ICL)). In addition to having both AC and DC on UPS and a generator, Palo Alto has actual coffee houses for those late night adventures.