On 27 March 2022 15:53:25 Brandon Butterworth <brandon@rd.bbc.co.uk> wrote:
On Sun Mar 27, 2022 at 12:31:48AM -0400, Abraham Y. Chen wrote:EzIP proposes to deploy 240/4address based RANs, each tethering off the current Internet via one IPv4public address.
So each RAN has no possibility of redundant connections? Nobodyof scale would accept such a limitation. It also looks like anopportunity for telcos/governments to partition their partof the internet and impose whatever censorship they wish.
As such, the collection of RANs forms an overlay networklayer wrapping around the current Internet core. Consequently, only theSPRs in the RAN need to be able to transport 240/4 addressed packets.
You previously described this as like connecting CG-NATs together via aVPN. I don't see why we'd want to add maintaining a global VPN toalready difficult peering relationships. It could be used to exlude nonEzIP club members.
This is why we talk about enabling new (but based on existing design)routers to use 240/4 netblock for serving as SPRs, but not perturbingany routers in the current Internet.
As it's a CG-NAT variant why are you delaying yourself by requiringnew address space that will take a long time to become available? Whynot use the already allocated space for CG-NAT? Sure it's only a /10but that's an already (probably too) large RAN.
It also seems unfeasibly optimistic that if the work was done globallyto make 240/4 useable that they'd want to dedicate it to the as yetundeployed EzIP. You might stand more chance if you gained somecritical mass using the existing available 100.64/10 & rfc1918 space,and then those that find they need more in one RAN will make the casefor 240/4 when it becomes necessary for them. Is 240/4 special toEzIP such that alternative numbers may not be used?
I would like to share one intriguing graphics (see URL below) thatis almost perfect for depicting the EzIP deployment configuration.Consider the blue sphere as the earth or the current Internet core andthe golden colored land as the RANs. By connecting each continent,country or all the way down to a Region to the earth via one IPv4address, we have the EzIP configuration. With this architecture, eachRAN looks like a private network.
That sounds an entirely undesirable goal for the internet.
It isn't the Internet. It's at best a very poorly connected spur gateway.
Too many today don't remember the towers of Babel world prior to the Internet. If they did they'd understand that building on this type of idea is like burying yourself.... And any customers so unwise to get involved