In my view there is no practical difference. The owner has full control of his warehouse and it would be very illegal for any outside party to install any device at all including unauthorised wifi devices.
Nothing illegal about someone sitting in a parking lot next door with a pineapple turned up to 11 that's washing out all the normal wifi spectrum. It would be illegal to do that with CBRS. On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 4:57 PM Baldur Norddahl <baldur.norddahl@gmail.com> wrote:
tir. 30. nov. 2021 22.09 skrev Shane Ronan <shane@ronan-online.com>:
Happy, no, but it wouldn't be illegal. And if they are building their warehouse automation based on wifi, it would surely be a problem if someone was competing for bandwidth.
In my view there is no practical difference. The owner has full control of his warehouse and it would be very illegal for any outside party to install any device at all including unauthorised wifi devices.
For comparison, consider that many city train systems are operating signaling using wifi equipment.