Grumble. This is really starting to grate. Wasn't the point of this ~study to find the best value for your dollar when buying leased lines? What exactly does putting web servers in your pop have to do with backbone performance. Furthermore, exactly how would you economically scale and support such a spaghetti operation? It seems to me the unintended goal of the study was to find access providers on whose networks web sites have a snappier "user experience". Am I the only one here who see this as measuring apples to judge oranges? Will someone please point me to the scientific method being used here, 'cause I sure as hell can't see it. -- JMC On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Jack Rickard wrote:
"Cheating" is of course encouraged. This isn't an academic test at your local university. We're all out of school now. If you can figure out a way