On 26 May 2015 at 23:43, Anil Kumar <akumar@anilkumar.com> wrote:
According to this page, the 2-factor authentication does kick in when you finally try to reset the password.
“… I was presented with an emailed link to a reset page. When I clicked that link, since I have two-step verification set up, I was presented with a demand for a number provided by the Google Authenticator app on my phone. I provided that number and only then was I allowed to reset the password.”
Y'all are way too trusting ;) If I recall from a brief experiment yesterday, three of the four options on that page are variations on "I'd like to bypass 2-factor authentication". There is really no point in any of Google's fancy account security if I can bypass all of it using Google's Identity Verification process, especially if that process is based on PII that isn't terribly difficult to obtain. This is just a variation on Apple's "give us the last four digits of your credit card to reset your password" gigantic security failure, and frankly I expected better from Google. Silly me. -- Harald (who once upon a time worked in the IAM space ;)