On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 5:51 PM, Dobbins, Roland <rdobbins@arbor.net> wrote:
It isn't 'FUD'. redistribute connected. In that case, the fault would lie just as much with the unconditional redistribution policy, as the addressing scheme, which is error-prone in and of itself.
No matter how you address your links or what type of equipment on your network, it's probably possible to find some configuration error that will produce poor router behavior. ...
I'm not too sure of the math behind this - and it was just one example. The gazillions of one-time-use nanomachines used to scrape away plaque in just a single patient's bloodstream, et. al., argue against needless consumption of IP addresses, IMHO. Not to mention all the smart material molecules continuously
The trouble is both of the examples, is they both imply something far greater than mere needless consumption of IP addresses in and of themselves. Assigning global IP addresses to individual nanonites is a massive waste in and of itself. It is easy to logically reject needlessly assigning each nanonite as an IP address, because they are obviously too massive in number to easily achieve a sane addressing scheme. My point is that in the face of such massive waste, the smaller amounts of "needless consumption" become irrelevent. If you are justifying consuming 2*10**25 IP addresses on one-time-use nanonites, you can certainly spend 5% of your IPv6 address space on point-to-point links without the P-t-P links being the issue. 5% would be >100,000 P-t-P links in that case. Either way, one /43 would easily provide more than enough IPs for both nanonites and 100,000 /64 p-t-p links. And with a standard /40 subnet, you'd have 4 additional bits left over to work with, to sanely subnet your nanonites. The issue in scenarios like that one is the things there are a lot of that _consume_ many addresses. Point-to-point addresses are rare, much rarer than hosts, and much less massive in number than nanonites addressed onto a LAN would be, so giving a P-t-P link an an entire /64 should not be a consumption issue in any conceivable (likely) scenario, where a proper amount of IPv6 space has been obtained in the first place. -- -J