Agreed. Very chicken or the egg. Any recently formed IX is largely a conduit for big content to connect to local eyeballs. As some critical mass of eyeballs is achieved, local content is interested as are large networks like Hurricane Electric.
In the case of PR, if there are no local content providers, an IX provides an avenue for one to form to connect to other operators on the island, avoiding underwater cables to the mainland. If I were a company in PR, I'd want my web site and other services
hosted in PR, not Miami or Virginia.
From: "Sander Steffann" <>
To: "Mel Beckman" <>
Cc: "nanog" <>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:08:58 AM
Subject: Re: Puerto Rico Internet Exchange
> In general an IX only makes sense when there are local resources to exchange. It doesn’t seem like PR has a lot of, if any, content providers of its own, so most consumer content is coming from offshore anyway.
This can also work the other way: once there is a local IXP, it can open opportunities for local content providers.