On 2011-01-25, at 01:25, Christopher Morrow wrote:
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Roland Dobbins <rdobbins@arbor.net> wrote:
2. The generally creaky, fragile, brittle, non-scalable state of the overall DNS infrastructure in general.
this is getting better, no? I mean for the in-addr and larger folks, anycast + lots of other things are making DNS much more reliable than it was 10 years ago... or am I living in a fantasy world?
I think "generally creaky" is right on. The DNS is a seething, living tangle of misconfigurations and protocol violations, which I think is to be expected given that it's so very distributed. ("I think we should deploy a database that is co-admined by many millions of people who don't know each other, all using different varieties of software. We'll make everything end-users do on the Internet depend on it. It'll be great.") But I think "fragile", "brittle" and "non-scaleable" are demonstrably wrong. If the DNS was as unreliable as those words suggested, nobody would use it. The reality is that everybody uses it. Joe