* John Fraizer <nanog@EnterZone.Net> [20000831 14:55]:
On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 sysop@uswest.net wrote: [..]
Unfortunately, your message does not appear to include the full message headers. Without the full message headers, especially the "Received" lines, we can not investigate this issue.
Not a problem. Next time it happens, I'll see just how much hate your can swallow before it blows up. I'm willing to bet that we have more than enough capacity to get your attention. Perhaps THAN you will be able to "further investigate" the issue.
Ya'll have fun with your little SPAM friendly network, ya hear?
John, I'm presuming that you did include the Received: headers? I know you've been going through an ordeal with a customer of theirs sending spoofed spam, but I'm not sure what your sarcastic response to the e-mail was justified by. What he/she was asking for is a fairly legit question to track stuff down, at least typically. Of course if the source is actually from or through a USWest mail server than they could check their logs before pushing you off for more info and hopefully it would be plainly obvious to them at that point. :-) -jr ---- Josh Richards [JTR38/JR539-ARIN] <jrichard@cubicle.net/fix.net/freedom.gen.ca.us/geekresearch.com> Geek Research LLC IP Network Engineering and Consulting