Just a heads up for those who use http://ftp.apnic.net/stats/apnic/apnic-latest .... It moved. If you have scripts that slurp APNIC ASN or IPv4 allocations, they probably broke this morning. The new correct link is at http://ftp.apnic.net/stats/apnic/new/delegated-apnic-latest ========================================================================== Eric Germann CCTec ekgermann@cctec.com Van Wert OH 45891 http://www.cctec.com Ph: 419 968 2640 Fax: 603 825 5893 "The fact that there are actually ways of knowing and characterizing the extent of one’s ignorance, while still remaining ignorant, may ultimately be more interesting and useful to people than Yarkovsky" -- Jon Giorgini of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory