On 29/10/2008, at 3:40 PM, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
According to http://www.nytimes.com/external/idg/2008/10/28/28idg-10-best-feature.html Windows 7 will have a cool feature called DirectAccess that "requires deploying IPv6 and IPsec". I know nothing more of this feature than is in the article, but if accurate it may create a client-centric demand for v6, i.e., desirable new functionality that isn't available on v4.
Of course, Windows 7 will have to ship first, and then get deployed in the enterprise...
Thanks, Teredo. Interesting point, IPSEC is really useful in IPv6, especially transport mode opportunistic encryption/authentication. But, that requires (in my understanding) keys in DNS, which really needs a secure DNS infrastructure to be, well, secure... stir stir stir Notice the DNSSEC support at the end of page one and beginning of page two. -- Nathan Ward