There 's other developments as well...
Still need to get a better grip on what the new world of Mashup business models really is leading to? Have a look at this new mashup service of Fabchannel: until now 'just' an award-winning website which gave its members access to videos of rock concerts in Amsterdam's famous Paradiso concert hall. Not any more. Today Fabchannel launched a new, unique service which enables music fans to create their own, custom made concert videos and then share them with others through their blogs, community profiles, websites or any other application.
So suppose you have this weird music taste, which sort of urges you to create an ideal concert featuring the Simple Minds, Motorpsycho, The Fun Loving Criminals, Ojos de Brujo and Bauer & the Metrople Orchestra. Just suppose it's true. The only thing you need to do is click this concert together at Fabchannel's site – choosing from the many hundreds of videos available -, customize it with your own tags, image and description and then have Fabchannel automatically create the few lines of html code that you need to embed this tailor-made concert in whatever web application you want.
As Fabchannel put it in their announcement, "this makes live concerts available to fans all over the world. Not centralised in one place, but where the fans gather online". And this is precisely the major concept behind the Mashup Corporation: - supply the outside world with simple, embeddable, services – support and facilitate the community that starts to use them and – watch growth and innovation take place in many unexpected ways.
Fabchannel expects to attract many more fans than they currently do. Not by having more hits at their website, but rather through the potentially thousands and thousands of blogs, myspace pages, websites, forums and desktop widgets that all could reach their own niche group of music fans, mashing up the Fabplayer service with many other services that the Fabchannel crew – no matter how creative – would have never thought of.
Maximise your growth, attract less people to your site. Sounds like a paradox. But not in a Mashup world.
By all means view my customised concert, underneath. I'm particularly fond of the Barcelonan band Ojos de Brujo, with their very special mix of classic flamenco, hip hop and funk. Mashup music indeed. In all respects.
On 21-Jan-2007, at 07:14, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
> Regarding your first point, it's really surprising that existing
> P2P applications don't include topology awareness. After all, the
> underlying TCP already has mechanisms to perceive the relative
> nearness of a network entity - counting hops or round-trip latency.
> Imagine a BT-like client that searches for available torrents, and
> records the round-trip time to each host it contacts. These it
> places in a lookup table and picks the fastest responders to
> initiate the data transfer. Those are likely to be the closest, if
> not in distance then topologically, and the ones with the most
> bandwidth. Further, imagine that it caches the search - so when
> you next seek a file, it checks for it first on the hosts nearest
> to it in its "routing table", stepping down progressively if it's
> not there. It's a form of local-pref.
Remember though that the dynamics of the system need to assume that
individual clients will be selfish, and even though it might be in
the interests of the network as a whole to choose local peers, if you
can get faster *throughput* (not round-trip response) from a remote
peer, it's a necessary assumption that the peer will do so.
Protocols need to be designed such that a client is rewarded in
faster downloads for uploading in a fashion that best benefits the
> The third step is for content producers to directly add their torrents
> to the ISP peers before releasing the torrent directly to the public.
> This gets "official" content pre-positioned for efficient
> distribution,
> making it perform better (from a user's perspective) than pirated
> content.
If there was a big fast server in every ISP with a monstrous pile of
disk which retrieved torrents automatically from a selection of
popular RSS feeds, which kept seeding torrents for as long as there
was interest and/or disk, and which had some rate shaping installed
on the host such that traffic that wasn't on-net (e.g. to/from
customers) or free ( e.g. to/from peers) was rate-crippled, how far
would that go to emulating this behaviour with existing live
torrents? Speaking from a technical perspective only, and ignoring
the legal minefield.
If anybody has tried this, I'd be interested to hear whether on-net
clients actually take advantage of the local monster seed, or whether
they persist in pulling data from elsewhere.