What would happen if the customer used private address space and NAT & ALGs to hook this into the two providers' CIDR space? At worst, address space consumption would be doubled (if the customer really needs a full /24 internally), but when we're talking about a couple of /24s versus routing yet another prefix, I think that's preferable. Has anybody noticed that the net global routing table has bumped 40k a couple of times recently? Would the registries have problems with this approach? Another issue is that the I-must-be-multihomed-to-different-providers mantra frequently isn't anything else than a funny idea in somebody's head. -- ------ ___ --- Per G. Bilse, Mgr Network Operations Ctr ----- / / / __ ___ _/_ ---- EUnet Communications Services B.V. ---- /--- / / / / /__/ / ----- Singel 540, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, NL --- /___ /__/ / / /__ / ------ tel: +31 20 5305333, fax: +31 20 6224657 --- ------- 24hr emergency number: +31 20 421 0865 --- Connecting Europe since 1982 --- http://www.EU.net e-mail: bilse@EU.net