On Nov 22, 2011, at 12:30 PM, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 10:43:35 PST, Owen DeLong said:
Not sure why you'd blame Microsoft. HTTP{,S} is increasingly looking to be the real IPng.
Perhaps because they have done more than any other vendor to enable/encourage this trend?
Actually, I'd nominate the creator of the PIX firewall box for that honor, mostly because it made it socially acceptable to do firewalling that caused other sites pain and suffering (SMTP fixups, anybody? :)
That would be John Mayes. The PIX was an outgrowth of Cisco's purchase of a company called Network Address Translation (translation.com back in the day). Frankly, the trend towards NAT and the need for some level of security that was evolving in that day made most of those things inevitable. Were there better approaches, perhaps. However, even with the PIX in place, I think that Micr0$0ft did more to make http-based tunneling a widespread and common phenomenon. It may have been pragmatic from their perspective, but, it was also damaging to the internet and they were the ones that chose to be pragmatic like that on a wide scale. Owen