On Feb 18, 2021, at 9:04 PM, Jen Linkova <furry13@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 9:40 AM Warren Kumari <warren@kumari.net> wrote:
4: Not too long after I started doing networking (and for the same small ISP in Yonkers), I'm flying off to install a new customer. I (of course) think that I'm hot stuff because I'm going to do the install, configure the router, whee, look at me! Anyway, I don't want to check a bag, and so I stuff the Cisco 2501 in a carryon bag, along with tools, etc (this was all pre-9/11!). I'm going through security and the TSA[0] person opens my bag and pulls the router out. "What's this?!" he asks. I politely tell him that it's a router. He says it's not. I'm still thinking that I'm the new hotness, and so I tell him in a somewhat condescending way that it is, and I know what I'm talking about. He tells me that it's not a router, and is starting to get annoyed. I explain using my "talking to a 5 year old" voice that it most certainly is a router. He tells me that lying to airport security is a federal offense, and starts looming at me. I adjust my attitude and start explaining that it's like a computer and makes the Internet work. He gruffly hands me back the router, I put it in my bag and scurry away. As I do so, I hear him telling his colleague that it wasn't a router, and that he certainly knows what a router is, because he does woodwork...
OK, Warren, achievement unlocked. You've just made a network engineer to google 'router'....
P.S. I guess I'm obliged to tell a story if I respond to this thread...so... "Servers and the ice cream factory". Late spring/early summer in Moscow. The temperature above 30C (86°F). I worked for a local content provided. Aircons in our server room died, the technician ETA was 2 days ( I guess we were not the only ones with aircon problems). So we drove to the nearby ice cream factory and got *a lot* of dry ice. Then we have a roaster: every few hours one person took a deep breath, grabbed a box of dry ice, ran into the server room and emptied the box on top of the racks. The backup person was watching through the glass door - just in case, you know, ready to start the rescue operation. We (and the servers) survived till the technician arrived. And we had a lot of dry ice to cool the beer..
-- SY, Jen Linkova aka Furry
During a wood-working project for the Southern California Linux Expo (the tech team that (among other things) runs the network for the show was building new equipment carts), I came up with the following meme: [I don’t know if NANOG will pass the image despite its small size, so textual description: A bandaged hand with the index finger amputated at the second knuckle with overlaid red text stating “Carless Routing May Lead to Urgent Test of Self Healing Network”] Fortunately, we didn’t have any such issues with the router, though we did have one person suffer a crushed toe from a cabinet tip-over. Fortunately, the person made a full recovery. Owen