On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, David Schwartz wrote:
On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, David Schwartz wrote:
Patrick Greenwell wrote: If I'm not mistaken, we were talking about the standards for micro-allocations with respects to the RIRs and not your network specifically. If I was speaking about dictating your rights to set your own network policy, I would have mentioned it.
What good will a microallocation from the RIR do if it's not routable?
None of course. The question is would you honor microallocations from a RIR if they said "we have designated this particular space for microallocations, would you please accept routes for these netblocks with these prefixes?" It is of course completely up to you, and I don't believe anyone was questioning or challenging the sovereignty of your network. Interne routing works due to cooperation, not coersion.