I've seen people put spamtraps on web pages and at the bottom of emails to use as blacklist fodder but not a whole domain. ... Is this done? Advisable? Experiences?
cix.net, which has been dead for a few years, gets about 50 messages a day on its MX. the majority is spam, but there's always a handful of messages from people who mistype "cox.net" as "cix.net", either when sending mail or when signing themselves up for services (who usually don't do verification). spamtrapping legitimate personal e-mail that happens to have a mistyped destination address seems antisocial. but with cox.net's population numbering in the apparent millions, error theory tells us how many such mistyped destinataion addresses to expect. (and it's true in this case.) therefore before you use whole-domain spamtrapping, i recommend looking VERY carefully at the flows so that you can be sure that "i" isn't adjacent to "o" on the qwerty keyboard, or some other such problem. -- Paul Vixie