its not so much that my shift key doesn't work, that i gave it up to have an extra meta key for emacs functions to be mapped to. :-) loosing uppercase didn't seem so bad, however having just been through a bandwidth crunch, i was unable to take my companies' suggestion and switch from ascii to some a bit saving character set like bcd or fielddata to save two bits of bandwidth. On 1 Mar 2000, Bandy Rush wrote:
I noticed that a number of individuals who post regularly to the NANOG mailing list have keyboards with malfunctioning shift keys. Since working keyboards are so expensive, far beyond the financial means of most poorly-paid technical workers, I humbly offer the following Perl program, which you can use to filter your NANOG e-mail to correct capitalization errors (procmail should do the trick for that). For example:
i abhor cross-posting. but sometimes ...
Gets converted to:
I abhor cross-posting. But sometimes ...
It's not perfect, but it catches most occurrances. If you have a slow computer, you probably want to disable the dictionary. You can do this by setting @DICT_FILES=(). As is, it is configured to search for the word list in the default locations in Linux and Solaris.
And oh yes, it's a joke. ;)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# use good Perl form use strict; use English;
# location of plain-text word list my @DICT_FILES = ("/usr/dict/words", "/usr/share/lib/dict/words");
# slurp in all input undef $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR; my $input = <>; exit unless (defined($input));
# Fix end of paragraph $input =~ s/([a-z])(\n\n.)/$1.$2/g;
# Fix start of sentence $input =~ s/(\n\n+)([a-z])/$1\u$2/g; $input =~ s/(\.\s+)([a-z])/$1\u$2/g;
# Fix self-referental problems $input =~ s/(\b)i(\b)/$1I$2/g; $input =~ s/(\b)randy(\b)/$1Randy$2/g; $input =~ s/(\b)bush(\b)/$1Bush$2/g;
# Fix words that should be capitalized (based on the dictionary) $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = "\n"; foreach my $dict_file (@DICT_FILES) { if (open(DICT, "< $dict_file")) { while (defined (my $uc_word=<DICT>)) { if ($uc_word =~ /[A-Z]/) { chomp($uc_word); my $lc_word = lc($uc_word); $input =~ s/(\b)$lc_word(\b)/$1$uc_word$2/g; } } last; } }
# output our fixed text print $input;
# The author releases this software into the public domain.
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