15 Sep
15 Sep
3:43 p.m.
On Fri, 15 Sep 2017, Randy Bush wrote:
any word on cuba?
Cuba status: (United Nations, Office of the Resident Coordinator) 10 fatalities. The country has recovered 70% of its power service. The seven provinces most affected are being assisted by other territories. It is expected that full services could take up to a month to be restored. 62% of the 320 Wi-Fi areas affected have been restored. Cellular coverage remains and 43% of the service was recovered, even though there were 176 transmitters affected. 50% of telephone services (fixed lines, collective phones, public pay phones and internet lines) have been restored, with 79,000 cases pending. https://reliefweb.int/report/cuba/response-hurricane-irma-cuba-situation-rep...