Hi, Chris Gotstein schrieb:
We are a small ISP that is in the process of setting up IPv6 on our network. We already have the ARIN allocation and i have a couple routers and servers running dual stack. Wondering if someone out there would be willing to give me a few pointers on setting up my addressing scheme? I've been mulling over how to do it, and i think i'm making it more complicated than it needs to be. You can hit me offlist if you wish to help. Thanks.
I did some presentations in the past ~12 to 18 months about v6 for v4-cluefuls ... the slides have been evolved over time, still way from being perfect, but it contains some examples which have been proven useful for some, at least. http://www.blogg.ch/uploads/IPv6-best-practice.pdf HTH, Fredy Künzler, Init7