Hello Everyone, To finish up on this mini-thread, I found this: http://www.maxmind.com/geoip "MaxMind GeoIP - Obtain the Country, Region, City, Latitude, and Longitude of any IP address. scott : : I'm however pursuing this issue futher and see it as that rather then : : developing this into one-one relationship between ip and country, it might : : be better provide several countries where there is good possibility that : : this ip is being used. For example if some ip block is allocated by : : ARIN to ISP in US and there is futher subdeligation (SWIP) from there to : : another entity in Canada - then there are two possibilities: : : 1. ISP is providing direct dedicated connectivity to that company's : : office in Canada : : 2. ISP is providing colo space or dedicated server to company from Canada : : but this actual server is still in US : : Just by looking at whois data I can not reliably tell which of the above : : is true. : : You're still not thinking globally. Extend the above to cover the whole : planet, then, for that small percentage of networks that are truly global : the ip to country (or even continent) mapping ceases to have meaning : unless those networks deaggregate their CIDR block and advertise them : regionally. : : : : changing reverse???), neither do ASNs have exact country correspondence as : : in many cases same AS numbers are used by ISPs for providing connectivity : : both for their customers in one country and in another. : : This is especially true in places like Europe where the countries are : small. The mapping really breaks down there. : : : : Yet another way to use network connectivity data and not rely on what ISPs : : tells you, might be something like GPS where test servers try to get to : : the same ip from different locations and measure TTL of the packet : : (response latency) - this way may help locate exact region where : : server is based. This method would work very well if only we were all : : on the same homogeneous network. But real structure of the net has many : : many networks and that ISPs don't always exchange traffic in the same : : city or region even if traffic originates and ends there and that even for : : the same network within same ISP, packet may not necesserily take : : "geographically shortest" path and ISP may want to reroute it more. : : : However if several sources are matched and they are all exact, there is : : pretty good guess ip block is being used in that country (minor issues like : : I have one advertisement (roughly) and it is announced globally. I have : servers geographically dispersed around the globe. So what country or : continent is my network located in??? You can't even do traceroutes or : whatever. Think GLOBAL... We liked to call our network a PAN (Planetary : Area Network) : : : : would prefer to put such ip block in multiple country lists. However I'm : : afraid that if such lists I are then made publicly available then they : : will be used by people who want to block entire countries and they will : : not care if there is only 50% chance ip is actually used in that country. : : This can work if the CIDR block is cut up into many smaller chunks and : advertised in various regions. Unfortunately, many large networks now do : this table-bloating advertisement of large numbers of small subnets which : could be easily aggregated. So, more and more, your need to map IP block : to country will be easier to do. : : scott : : : : : On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, william<at>elan.net wrote: : : : On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Scott Weeks wrote: : : : : > : exist in. I know it isn't an exact science but something close would : : > : be nice. I know 210/8 & 211/8 are APNIC, I likes to know stuff like : : : : > This only works for a certain percentage of networks. Most likely a : : > higher percentage post tech bubble collapse. I used to work for a company : : > that had and we announced that globally. So you couldn't : : > say was in the US (or even NA) as it'd appear from ARIN : : > or other data sources. : : : : That is quite correct. Simply taking ips as reported by RIR in statistic : : files or as seen in whois as allocated/assigned by RIRs does not provide : : a real view of how ips are used and in what country and I do not believe : : such list is sufficient - that is the reason why the current list of ips : : I mentioned that is available at completewhois is considered to be an : : alpha stage project - it is not alpha stage in the way that I have not : : developed system for producing such list from RIR data (I do have necessary : : tools and scripts and it works just fine), its just that its not sufficiently : : exact for real life use as identification of ip to country. : : : : I'm however pursuing this issue futher and see it as that rather then : : developing this into one-one relationship between ip and country, it might : : be better provide several countries where there is good possibility that : : this ip is being used. For example if some ip block is allocated by : : ARIN to ISP in US and there is futher subdeligation (SWIP) from there to : : another entity in Canada - then there are two possibilities: : : 1. ISP is providing direct dedicated connectivity to that company's : : office in Canada : : 2. ISP is providing colo space or dedicated server to company from Canada : : but this actual server is still in US : : Just by looking at whois data I can not reliably tell which of the above : : is true. : : : : Other ways to determine where ip blocks are used are based on real-time : : routing data either on BGP or traceroutes. Neither one is sufficiently : : good however as traceroutes can be faked and in reality many methods : : with traceroutes depend too much on reverse dns name of the router (so : : any ISP can "claim" to have the router anywhere else in the world just by : : changing reverse???), neither do ASNs have exact country correspondence as : : in many cases same AS numbers are used by ISPs for providing connectivity : : both for their customers in one country and in another. : : : : Yet another way to use network connectivity data and not rely on what ISPs : : tells you, might be something like GPS where test servers try to get to : : the same ip from different locations and measure TTL of the packet : : (response latency) - this way may help locate exact region where : : server is based. This method would work very well if only we were all : : on the same homogeneous network. But real structure of the net has many : : many networks and that ISPs don't always exchange traffic in the same : : city or region even if traffic originates and ends there and that even for : : the same network within same ISP, packet may not necesserily take : : "geographically shortest" path and ISP may want to reroute it more. : : : : However if several sources are matched and they are all exact, there is : : pretty good guess ip block is being used in that country (minor issues like : : VPN aside - if somebody is using VPN, they are in effect putting themselve : : in different location and should be treated as somebody from that location). : : However when things don't match and there are several possibilities, I : : would prefer to put such ip block in multiple country lists. However I'm : : afraid that if such lists I are then made publicly available then they : : will be used by people who want to block entire countries and they will : : not care if there is only 50% chance ip is actually used in that country. : : The only choice left is to report only some ip blocks and leave the rest : : in certain large data file listing all possibilities and this file (may : : not be one file, but anyway) is sufficiently different to parse that people : : will not easily use it, while applications (like providing statistics on : : visitors to your website) could still use it and treat those blocks : : specifically unique in a way as not to emphasise any one country. : : : : -- : : William Leibzon : : Elan Networks : : william@elan.net : : : : : :