On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, Arnold Nipper wrote:
As already noted here a couple of times:
Although MERIT is organizing NANOG meetings, no one would say: MERIT == NANOG. Right?
Not quite. As far as I'm concerned, NANOG is part of MERIT activities. And while I'm not certain if NANOG is actually legally organized in any way, if it is, it is probably considered to be subsidiary of MERIT So while NANOG != MERIT, what we have is that NANOG < MERIT Similarly while EOF != RIPE NCC, it is part of it, i.e. EOF < RIPE I'm not so certain about RIPE NCC to RIPE relationship though, I suspect that RIPE NCC is a subset (RIR services or) larger RIPE organization that is involved in other activities, i.e. RIPE NCC < RIPE So in this case both EOF and RIPE NCC being subsets of same larger set, these subsets may intersect (or one subset maybe contained in another or equal to it) but we do not know about it without additional data and can not make logical conclusion that EOF < RIPE NCC. All we can can say is both EOF and RIPE NCC represent organized activity of RIPE existing in parallel and possibly sharing in some parts of the activity. But of course, overall funding for RIPE still comes from RIPE NCC, so while other activities of RIPE are not necessarilty parts of RIPE NCC they are still funded by it :) -- William Leibzon Elan Networks william@elan.net