* Greg A. Woods <woods@weird.com> [20000804 17:35]: [..]
Assuming this isn't a spoofed reply, it may give some indication as to the source of the problems it had though:
$ host -t txt -c ch version.bind g.root-servers.net VERSION.BIND TXT "8.1.2-P2" [..]
host -t txt -c ch version.bind <server> results: a.root-servers.net VERSION.BIND TXT "8.1.2" b.root-servers.net VERSION.BIND TXT "8.2.2-P5" c.root-servers.net VERSION.BIND TXT "8.2.2-P5" d.root-servers.net VERSION.BIND TXT "8.2.2-P5" e.root-servers.net VERSION.BIND TXT "8.2.3-T5B" f.root-servers.net (not responding) g.root-servers.net VERSION.BIND TXT "8.1.2-P2" I understand the usefulness of version (and *cough* platform *cough*) diversity, but presuming these are correct, isn't the 'a' root vulnerable to several exploits, and 'g' likely as well? Although 8.1.2-P2 may be a custom (fixed?) build since I've never seen/heard of a patchlevel 2 for 8.1.2, only 8.2.2 (but I may just have missed it). -jr ---- Josh Richards [JTR38/JR539-ARIN] <jrichard@cubicle.net/fix.net/freedom.gen.ca.us/geekresearch.com> Geek Research LLC IP Network Engineering and Consulting