Hmmm if my memory serves me right I believe MicroSoft has 3 of its directors on UUnets board, and that very well could be the end run on the network. The thought is not comforting.... Henry R. Linneweh Josh Richards wrote:
On Thu, 13 Nov 1997 wrote:
On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Chris Cook, Net Asset LLC wrote:
And when that happens, Microsoft will buy Worldcomm. And then Microsoft will require AOL to use MSN's interface bundled with Worldcomm's connectivity or get no connectivity at all.
Shhhh. Don't give the Evil Empire any ideas....
perhaps I've been smoking too much crack, but back when MSN was getting started, Microsoft dumped a large amount of money in UUNET's lap. How much of this ended up going towards UUNET stock? And if they owned a chunk then, they'd own a chunk of Worldcomm now. But then, I may just be smoking too much crack.
- Josh Richards / / Finger for PGP key - - Systems Administrator / FIX Net / -
-- ¢4i1å