At 4:44 PM -0800 2/18/97, Matt Ranney wrote:
Don't get me wrong, if NSI isn't getting paid to keep all those domains in the database, then they shouldn't be there, but it doesn't seem like as big a problem as Karl is making it out to be.
NSI's bookkeeping is so confused, they're really not sure who has paid and who hasn't. From what I can tell, they are only deleting domains that haven't paid in about 6 months AND do not have authoratative nameservice working. And it appears of that domain has a registered nameserver in its namespace, then even if the nameserver isn't responding it does not get removed. My theory is their database is so screwed up and in such a fragile state, they're scared to make any big changes to it. Removing a domain with a registered nameserver in it seems like it is a "big change". Add the the fact that they are showing non-payment for many domains that have actually made payment, they don't want to shut off the domain while trying to sort out the paperwork.