9 Mar
9 Mar
5:18 p.m.
Has anyone else noticed probes against their network with a spoofed source address and Src (80) and Dst(2183) Yes, all from Reserved(Private) IP's.. Over and over and over.. At two minute intervals.
Mar 9 11:48:52 xxxxxxxx ipmon[23116]: 11:48:52.169293 xl1 @0:4 b,80 -> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,51419 PR tcp len 20 40 -AF Mar 9 11:49:28 xxxxxxxx ipmon[23116]: 11:49:28.286393 xl1 @0:3 b,80 -> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,6736 PR tcp len 20 163 -AFP begins again... in 2 minutes.. same IP's, Flags and ports. M.