13 Nov
13 Nov
7:05 p.m.
Since it seems to be public, no harm in sharing it. http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/021113/1031000599_1.html I am sure a lot of customer will feel better. Stronger balance sheet means Switch and Data will be a definite survivor and so will PAIX. Looks like we're coming back to a peering location consolidation again. Equinix and S&D (PAIX) will be the new peering exchanges. Question is, outside of 6 exchanges domestically, what scenario would force a move to doubling that to 12. Long haul circuits rising again, or perhaps some new killer app. Right now seems domestically 6 may be all we need. -- David Diaz dave@smoton.net [Email] pagedave@smoton.net [Pager] Smotons (Smart Photons) trump dumb photons