Barry Shein <> writes:
From: Randy Bush <>
We are now using ZFS RAIDZ and the question I ask myself is, why wasn't I using ZFS years ago?
because it is not production on linux, which i have to use because freebsd does not have kvm/ganeti. want zfs very very badly. snif.
I keep reading zfs vs btrfs articles and...inconclusive.
My problem with both is I need quotas, both file and "inode", and both are weaker than ext4 on that, zfs is very weak on this, you can only sort of simulate them.
By file, you mean "disk space used"? By whom and where? Quotas and reservations on a per-dataset basis are pretty darned well supported in ZFS. As for inodes, well, since there isn't really such a thing as an inode in ZFS... what exactly are you trying to do here? -r