Just spoke with Michiel of Atrato / XSnews, they had some issues with an internal part of XSnews which also affected their IPv6 enabled services. Jeroen Wunnink wrote:
Same here, we usually do 40-100Mbit of teredo 2001::/32 anycast traffic (a lot of which is news traffic over IPv6 to artrato/XSnews) and that dropped to an all-time low a bit before 0:00 CET.
I know XSnews had a free IPv6 news account service, perhaps they closed that ?
Marco Hogewoning wrote:
On 9 jul 2009, at 12:24, Mikael Lind wrote:
Hi, I've seen a big drop in IPv6 traffic volume on our Freenet6 IPv6 service last night and it seems to be the same on AMS-IX. Has anyone else seen the same? Any idea why?
Multiple options, but it must have something todo with a free usenet service.
We (XS4ALL, AS3265) changed some filters at around 15:00 GMT, but I notice the drop is hours later and much bigger (se the graph at https://www.ams-ix.net/technical/stats/sflow/).
If you have trouble reaching newszilla6.xs4all.nl at port 119 please drop me a note as you might accidently got filtered and I'm happy to resolve this.
From the looks of it one of our colleagues who also run a free usenet box have some issues as well, news.ipv6.eweka.nl isn't responding, which may well be the only cause of this little drop.
-- Met vriendelijke groet, Jeroen Wunnink, EasyHosting B.V. Systeembeheerder systeembeheer@easyhosting.nl telefoon:+31 (035) 6285455 Postbus 48 fax: +31 (035) 6838242 3755 ZG Eemnes http://www.easyhosting.nl http://www.easycolocate.nl