On Thu 22 Apr 2021 01:24:54 GMT, Job Snijders via NANOG wrote:
One example is http://lg.ring.nlnog.net/prefix_detail/lg01/ipv6?q=2a0b:6b86:d15::/48
2a0b:6b86:d15::/48 via: BGP.as_path: 204092 57199 35280 6939 42615 42615 212232 BGP.as_path: 208627 207910 57199 35280 6939 42615 42615 212232 BGP.as_path: 208627 207910 57199 35280 6939 42615 42615 212232 (first announced April 15th, last withdrawn April 15th, 2021)
On the AS204092 side, the route is one week and two days old (so 2021-04-16). So we never received the withdrawn. asbr01#sh bgp ipv6 uni 2a0b:6b86:d15::/48 BGP routing table entry for 2A0B:6B86:D15::/48, version 88407242 BGP Bestpath: deterministic-med: med Paths: (2 available, best #1, table default) Advertised to update-groups: 129 130 145 167 Refresh Epoch 1 57199 35280 6939 42615 42615 212232 2A0B:CBC0:1::BD (FE80::66D1:54FF:FEEF:9893) from 2A0B:CBC0:1::BD ( Origin IGP, metric 10, localpref 100, valid, external, best Community: 24115:6939 35280:10 35280:1040 35280:2080 35280:3120 35280:20000 35280:21000 35280:21150 57199:35280 57199:65535 64496:100 64496:57199 64999:24115 unknown transitive attribute: flag 0xE0 type 0x20 length 0x30 value 0000 5E33 0000 03E9 0000 0001 0000 5E33 0000 03EA 0000 0002 0000 5E33 0000 03EB 0000 0005 0000 5E33 0000 03EC 0000 1B1B path 7F1E8D0F3B58 RPKI State valid rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0 Refresh Epoch 1 57199 35280 6939 42615 42615 212232, (received-only) 2A0B:CBC0:1::BD (FE80::66D1:54FF:FEEF:9893) from 2A0B:CBC0:1::BD ( Origin IGP, metric 4294967295, localpref 100, valid, external Community: 24115:6939 35280:10 35280:1040 35280:2080 35280:3120 35280:20000 35280:21000 35280:21150 57199:35280 57199:65535 64999:24115 unknown transitive attribute: flag 0xE0 type 0x20 length 0x30 value 0000 5E33 0000 03E9 0000 0001 0000 5E33 0000 03EA 0000 0002 0000 5E33 0000 03EB 0000 0005 0000 5E33 0000 03EC 0000 1B1B path 7F1E8D0EF088 RPKI State valid rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0 asbr01#sh ipv6 route 2a0b:6b86:d15::/48 Routing entry for 2A0B:6B86:D15::/48 Known via "bgp 204092", distance 20, metric 10, type external Route count is 1/1, share count 0 Routing paths: FE80::66D1:54FF:FEEF:9893, GigabitEthernet0/0/0.24 MPLS label: nolabel Last updated 1w2d ago asbr01# -- Alarig