Replying to throw in my support behind continuing the experiment as well. Assurance that my gear will NOT fall over under adversarial situations is paramount, thank you for the research that you're doing to ensure that. Ben, you may wish to re-evaluate how "rock solid" [1] your networking truly is if you're being taken down by random BGP updates. As others have noted, the right target to be angry at is your equipment vendor. [1]: https://packet.gg/ On 1/24/2019 02:19 午前, Italo Cunha wrote:
We have canceled this experiment permanently.
On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 12:00 PM Ben Cooper <ben@packet.gg <mailto:ben@packet.gg>> wrote:
Can you stop this?
You caused again a massive prefix spike/flap, and as the internet is not centered around NA (shock horror!) a number of operators in Asia and Australia go effected by your “expirment” and had no idea what was happening or why.
Get a sandbox like every other researcher, as of now we have black holed and filtered your whole ASN, and have reccomended others do the same.