SR could be instantiated with 2 data planes, MPLS and IPv6 - SR-MPLS and SRv6 respectively.MPLS data plane could be instantiated over either IPv4 or IPv6 (similarly to LDP6), MPLSoUDP->SRoUDP allows transport of SR-MPLS over IP/UDP(RFC8663) and could be used to build innovative, end2end architectures, e.g. draft-bookham-rtgwg-nfix-arch.
There is SFC related work, draft-ietf-spring-nsh-sr.
And there’s whole SRv6 thingy...
Let me know if I can help in any way.
On Sep 10, 2020, at 08:10, wrote:
Interesting... I've never heard of SPRINGv4
I found it in the bottom section
I wonder if SPRINGv4 is like SRv6, meaning, SPRING(SR) over IPv4 dataplane?
Or, am I reading way too much into that SPRINGv4 acronym?