Hi Bob, This was inadvertent and we will bring this back for NANOG 70. Regards, -Dave On Feb 6, 2017, 6:58 PM -0500, Bob Evans <bob@fiberinternetcenter.com>, wrote:
I suggest in the future NOT to get rid of something because a new method is attempted. I.E nanog had a nice method of identifying potential and existing peers with a simple green dot at registration to indicate an individual was involved with BGP in their company. That went away and today there is nothing. Cost of implementation was less than 5 dollars at any office supply retailer.
Just a thought.
Thank You Bob Evans CTO
The Peering Personals has been shelved while we try to figure out a better option.
There was no peering content submitted to the Program Committee that justified a separate track, and so they chose to include the content in the general session throughout the program.
On Feb 6, 2017, 8:12 AM -0500, Matthew Petach <mpetach@netflight.com>, wrote:
I'm squinting at the Guidebook for NANOG69, and I don't seem to see any peering BOF or peering social this time around. Am I being blind again, and it's on the agenda somewhere but I'm just overlooking it? Pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thanks! :)