randy, moveon is a maine-based org. it is an effective, fund raising, partisan organization. it is much more than a click-and-opine vehicle, it puts hundreds of thousands of dollars into competitive races, and has a competent political director. to create a "NagOn" we would have to hire or appoint a political director, and a financial director, and charge each with framing the issue, and executing a seven figure plan, and a communications director, to put the message with the money in targeted media markets, and finally, to show teeth, drop the margin of error, or on the order of high five, low six figures, in targeted congressional races, for challengers and incumbants. in about a year after starting down this path, the "Congressman, its NagOn on line one" conversation would be slightly different from today, and in several years time, more so. eric Randy Bush wrote:
I strongly second this. To quote a bumper sticker/slogan I've seen, "if you didn't vote, you shouldn't complain". Some prominent politicians have proposed something that we -- including me -- believe to be a bad idea, not just on ideological grounds but because we think that it won't accomplish its purported goals and may even be counterproductive. I don't see a lot of network operators in Congress -- if you know better, you really need to tell them.
we need an easy way to click and opine, a la moveon.org, and other social and political orgs. maybe forwardon.org?