Since I couldn't find a partner to do E.Buttress of Middle Cathedral in Yosemite this weekend, I wasted a couple of hours and installed a nanog digest on a friend's server. Right now, normal nanog mail will go to my account on the machine and then through procmail (which I've never really used before). I've hacked out a perl script to format up a digest with subjects at the top and cron it out at noon and say, 6pm. Users will be added manually by mailing me at: I will setup the procmail as needed. Please email me your working procmail scripts to filter your favorite net kooks^H^H^H^H^Hpersonalities. I think the rule will be, "if you annoy me or another digest member, you're filtered." Later, I might add something to show the messages that got deleted, so everyone can know what they're missing. Yes, I know I could have done it with majordomo, but this just uses a normal account on the machine without having to play with their mail setup. I'm currently waiting on the subscription approval for the bogus user. allan PS. The digest looks like: This unofficial procmail'ed digest sponsored by Allan Chong. Please mail subscribe/unsubscribe requests to today's topics: test12 (Allan Chong <>) test13 (Allan Chong <>) test14 (Allan Chong <>) test15 (Allan Chong <>) test10 (Allan Chong <>) ##################################################### ##################################################### From: Allan Chong <> Subject: test12 test12 ##################################################### From: Allan Chong <> Subject: test13 test 13